Kristin Rice

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Kristin Rice

Kristin Rice

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User Bio Hello! My name is Kristin Rice, co-owner of Runningwater Draw Mohair & Tack. I have lived in the Texas Panhandle since 1999 with my husband, Tyler. We reside in a very rural area north of Lazbuddie, Texas. I grew up in Abilene with no agriculture background, other than some Colorado ranching roots on my mom's side of the family. However, I was always intrigued by that world. I decided to get involved by being a part of FFA, livestock judging & learning to ride in high school through the help of a friend's parents! I was hooked and told my mom that I wanted to marry a cowboy! She wasn't too happy with me, but I did it anyway! Needless to say, she loves my husband, Tyler! My parent's divorced when I was the age of ten. It was extremely difficult for me and a very sensitive time in my life. My Mom had to work two to three jobs just to keep food on the table and a roof over our head's. This forced me to step up and learn how to work at a very young age. My twin sister and I would clean an office building for cash pay at a very young age. By the time I was in high school, I had secured a job and got on the work program at my high school. I was able to buy my first car, help with my needs and lighten the load off of my mom. I started my college education at Tarleton State University, majoring in Agribusiness. Soon lacking 30 hours to graduate, I came to the realization that I wanted to do something in the health care related field. I ended up finishing my college degree with Clovis Community College, majoring in Allied Health Sciences, with a degree in Radiologic Technology! I worked ten years in this field and absolutely loved helping people in the hospital setting. I quit working due to having our first child, Bronc Riggin, and was blessed to be able to stay home with our first-born son. My husband, Tyler, cowboyed for some big outfits and also day-worked for many ranches & neighbors for years! We also were very active in the WRCA ranch rodeos for 20 years. In 2011, we leased a 2,500 head pre-conditioning feedyard and started customer cattle. We then would turn the cattle out on wheat, taking care of anywhere from 2,500 head, up to 10,000 head in the winter months. This was a non-stop busy season and full-time job for us and our family. We welcomed our second son, Tucker Austin, in 2012! Our family was then complete! Tyler and I ran our cattle business successfully for 10 years. It was a blessing, but not what our heart's desired anymore. It was time for a change and we both wanted to do something together, but less stressful and time consuming. Granting us more time with our children and each other. That is where Runningwater Draw Mohair & Tack came alive! Six years later we are still making high quality leather & mohair tack- as well as most any leather item you can imagine! It has been really rewarding to grow a business from scratch. This life fits perfectly with homeschooling our boy's and being able to provide the people we are most familiar with, some really amazing gear!

Business Name Runningwater Draw Mohair & Tack

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