Stephanie Nash

Member Profile

Stephanie Nash

Stephanie Nash

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Chapter National

User Bio Stephanie Nash is a TPUSA Ag Ambassador, and 4th generation dairy farmer originally from central California, now living in middle Tennessee. Stephanie and her family moved their farm in 2013 after regulations took a toll on her dairy farm. Stephanie is a believer in freedom and fighting for farmers across the United States. Stephanie has created a new respect for agriculture, connecting with American families with her series “The Life of a Farmer” and now partners with the “Untold Stories” of Ag women connect. Stephanie uses her platform to show the importance of buying local and educating them on where their food comes from. The Nash family produces ice cream, cheese and has created a strong Agri tourism in Tennessee, inviting the public to learn more about their farm. Stephanie even has internship opportunities for her summer farm camp and mentors local agriculture students. Stephanie has been featured on Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Newsmax, rfdtv, music row magazine and many other platforms. Stephanie continues to bring awareness of what is happening to our family farmers and ranchers. She will continue to grow her platforms with the love she has for her farm and bring a new passion to those who want to support the agriculture industry.

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