Emily Grant

Member Profile

Emily Grant

Emily Grant

Email Address egrant2414@gmail.com

Chapter Indiana

User Bio I am a freshmen at Purdue University studying agriculture communications with a minor in animal science. I show and raise purebred angus cattle and club calves for the show ring. I have a social media platform called "The Whole Farmer" which focuses on the mental, physical, social, and spiritual makeup of a farmer, rancher, and agriculturalist. I also own my own photography company, Thunderous Photography, specializing in rodeo, livestock, and western lifestyle photography.

Business Name Thunderous Photography

Business Website https://thunderousphotography.mypixieset.com/

Business Bio Here at Thunderous Photography I try to capture every ounce of the simple things in life, and the wild beauty of it all. From western photography and videography, to action packed rodeos. As well as crossing my passion with the livestock industry, doing ring shots and sale photos.

Business Email thunderousphotography@gmail.com

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