Joli Summers

Member Profile

Joli Summers

Joli Summers

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Chapter National

User Bio Mix some creativity, quite a bit of passion, more stubbornness than one person will ever really need, a bushel of competitiveness, a dash of hippie, a whole heap of love and compassion, stir in some chaos, and just for fun some genuine, bonafide horsewoman for good measure and what do you get?... You get Crazy Consuela aka Joli Summers. Joli lives in a small town in the Texas panhandle with her husband and the youngest of three boys. She is the owner/operator of both a retail and wholesale clothing design business. Joli is a woman of many talents, passions, and a true visionary. When she's not dedicating her time and focus on building and growing her businesses she loves spending time with her family, chasing her inquisitive and rambunctious two-year-old, helping her husband at their feed-yard, being the mare mobile, promoting their ranch studs, helping fit their yearlings for the yearly sale they are part of (High Plains Ranchers and Breeders) and riding cutting horses. Joli is an accomplished cutter in her own right as she is currently sitting #2 in the WORLD, in her division. This is her her main motivation for working, so she can afford her entry fees for cutting shows, as she often jokes "Some people work to eat, I work for entry fees." But what makes Joli the most unique is her heart and compassion for people. To know her is to love her, she is always looking for unique and special ways to serve her community and friends, and spreading smiles and joy wherever she finds herself is always her first priority.

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