Hannah Eslinger

Member Profile

Hannah Eslinger

Hannah Eslinger

Email Address hannah.eslinger1@gmail.com

Chapter Kansas

User Bio I am a 25 year old who lives and works in Western Kansas. I have built a career with Scoular, starting in the scalehouse for harvest out of high school and working my way into my current role as a grain originator. One of my proudest accomplishments in my time with Scoular has been to create and host a women’s event tailored to educating women on the farm in what I do and how it can help them and their operation. I also teach dance to children K-12 part-time for a studio in my hometown. Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my dogs and husband (which usually means I am helping out on the farm), cooking, and exploring new hobbies - currently taking care of my flowers and embroidery.

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