Member Profile
Karen Budd-Falen
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User Bio Karen Budd-Falen has returned to the Budd-Falen Law Offices LLC after her two year appointment at the Department of the Interior, as the Deputy Solicitor for Wildlife and Parks. As Deputy Solicitor, Karen was the lead attorney in revising the regulations implementing Endangered Species Act (ESA), appealing wetland maps on National Wildlife Refuge System and was Interior's representative in revising the regulations implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Karen first stint in Washington D.C. was for three years in the Reagan Administration, U.S. Department of the Interior. Karen was featured in Newsweek Magazine's "Who's Who: 20 for the Future" for her work on property rights issues and was named as one of Wyoming's Outstanding Ag Citizens. She has received the "Always There Helping" award from the New Mexico Stock Growers Association, the "Bud's Contract" award from the New Mexico Public Lands Council and the Individual of the Year award from the Arizona/New Mexico Counties for Stable Economic Growth. Karen has testified over a dozen times before committees and subcommittees of the U.S. House of Representatives on issues related to attorneys' fees payments, the ESA, NEPA and livestock grazing. Karen is a volunteer for Future Farmers of America ("FFA"). She received her undergraduate degrees and her law degree from the University of Wyoming.