Interview with Acre and Rust Clothing Company

Our editorial team had the chance to interview Chelsea Criswell, owner of Acre and Rust Clothing Company to learn more about her business and her role in agriculture. Chelsea didn’t grow up in the agricultural industry but was raised in the Dallas, Texas area. She met my husband in college and then he decided he wanted to continue the family farming business. So, they moved to the Texas panhandle and Chelsea became a farmer’s wife. To truly understand how far removed she was from the agricultural industry she likes to share this story.

“While my now husband and I were dating, I was driving to visit him. My car had broken down and he was trying to figure out where I was at. I just kept telling him I was in the middle of nowhere and had no idea where I was. He asked me if I had passed the grain elevator and all I kept hearing was a green elevator. I told him, “Why would there be a green elevator in the middle of nowhere?!” I had no idea what a grain elevator was, but I sure do now!” – Chelsea Criswell

Acre and Rust Clothing Company

Q: What does it mean to you to be a woman in ag?

Chelsea: For me, I am still growing into my identity as a woman in ag. I have been a farmer’s wife for a third of my life now and I’m not the same person I was for the first two thirds. I want my children to grow up knowing where their food comes from and how their clothes are made. It’s important to me to influence and educate those around me about the importance and perseverance of farmers and their families.

Q: Can you tell us a little more about what you do and how you serve the ag industry?

Chelsea: My husband and I created Acre and Rust Clothing Company in 2021 as a way to honor the close community and rich heritage of agriculture. We strive to give back through spreading awareness of issues farmers face and supporting organizations that focus on farmers’ physical and mental health. Our mission first and foremost is to celebrate and honor the farming way of life. We want to not only bring more awareness to agriculture in general but to bring awareness to the struggles that farmers face. Most do not realize how dangerous this job is, how skilled you have to be, and how mentally taxing the business is.

Q: What do you hope to see for the future of women in agriculture?

Chelsea: I have truly enjoyed learning from other women in agriculture over the past several years. Instagram is where I tend to learn from these women. I’m excited to see passionate women continue to educate and influence others on the trials and successes of being in the agriculture industry. With social media, more women are able to showcase their role in agriculture and show that this industry is not only for men. I’m so honored to be a part of AG Women Connect, where women are truly supporting and encouraging one another.

Acre and Rust Clothing Company plans to be hitting the road a little more this next year! We are hoping to be at different farm shows and conventions in a few different states.

Connect with Acre and Rust Clothing Company on Social & Online

You can follow us on Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook @acreandrust. You can shop at or at our booth inside From 6th Collective in Amarillo, TX.

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