Riley Mertz

Member Profile

Riley Mertz

Riley Mertz

Email Address

Chapter Texas - Amarillo

User Bio My name is Riley Mertz and I am a current junior at West Texas A&M University. I am majoring in Plant, Soil, and Environmental Sciences with an emphasis in crops & soils. I am also a member of the Livestock Judging, Meat Animal Evaluation, and Crop Judging teams. Being born and raised in Ohio, I've worked the past three years in crop consulting and agronomy at a local co-op. Growing up, I was heavily involved in 4-H, FFA, and Junior Fairboard, where I also developed my love for livestock. Thankfully, I had the opportunity in 2022 to grow my platform and use my voice to be an advocate for the agricultural industry with my title as the Ohio Miss United States Agriculture. I love sharing my passion and educating others! Outside of school and work, I run a photography business!

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