Cassie Gilman

Member Profile

Cassie Gilman

Cassie Gilman

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Chapter National

User Bio I grew up in North East Oklahoma, where I currently reside. I was a member of 4h, FFA and grew up in the world of agriculture. My parents and grandparents had feed stores in our local area and I grew to know many local ranchers and farmers. I am a mom to two amazing children who have beautiful families of their own. I have five grandchildren that keep my heart smiling! I currently have a small backyard farm in the small town of Welch, OK. I have a blog, and am working on my YouTube channel as well. I have a local cleaning company that mainly services ranch and farm homes in the area. My favorite Bible passages are Isaiah 61:1 because I know He came to set us free and heal broken hearts! Eph 3:20 because He will do above and beyond our wildest dreams and imaginations!

Business Name Cross G Backyard Farms

Business Website


Business Bio My name is Cassie Gilman and I live in a small rural town in NE Oklahoma. I grew up in the country and around farm animals all of my life. I use to show in 4h and FFA. I loved that life and have spent many years trying to get back to my roots. I am a single mom of 2 grown children who have beautiful families. I am a proud grandma AKA Non/Nonnie to 5 grandchildren. I purchased my own home in 2020 that has almost an acre of property in town. It has 3 large lots and plenty of room for sure. I had already started my backyard farm at my duplex with chickens in 2019 so the move to the bigger home and property was perfect for me. I have been working on growing my little farm and learning all I can. I now have 2 dogs, Harley the guardian dog and Lucy the new corgi pup that was my dream dog. I have 14 chickens and one Nigerian Dwarf nanny goat. I plan on growing this little backyard farm as much as I can with out my neighbors hating me. I am learning gardening skills and doing as much training and learning while this place grows daily. I hope you enjoy being in this journey with me!

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